Management Summary


„If something does not work, do something else. More of the same leads nowhere!”

[Paul Watzlawick (1921-2007)]


„Who wants to build high towers, has to dwell long on the foundation.”  

[Anton Bruckner (1824-1896)]


I am a physicist. Since 1990 I have been working as a freelancer in an information technology branch.

I am (deeply) convinced  that computer scientists believe in their „classical/invented” computer science, and  they are so incapable of drawing the right conclusions from lasting for 40 years, a „software crisis” that I have gone on a journey (as a physicist) to find the „new/natural” computer science.

I deeply believe I have discovered/found it.To be more precise, I have created, for a new programming environment, some kind of „software primordial soup”Dào ()“ in which the power of self-organization should be responsible for an evolutionary process of further development.The aim of that process hasn't been defined, only the direction has been defined: „the growth of complexity”. The observation how „complicatedness served as food for complexity” was really thrilling.  

The fact that this aimless process did not finish as a disaster after 20 years, I consider as an experimental confirmation of my thesis that „the force of self-organization” is a real power which can be guided but its value cannot be measured.

Further details in: „Neue Informatik('new/natural' computer science)”.


Nowadays, I think, it's time to redefine all tasks which computers should do.

The main task of the computer is to expand the human range of thinking and go beyond our biological limitations.

For example: the world records:  high jump: 2.45, pole vault 6.14

If such progress is reached, the humanity will not have to bet only on hope that things will work out (one way or another) ☺

There are more details in a mind map „Wendezeit 201?(Turning point 201?)”.


During the CeBIT-2007 I was talking about: How to make a new interface between the citizen and  the city hall with the help of my 'new/natural' computer science.The effect of those talks was the idea of „adaptive virtual city hall”.

In the first stage of an „adaptive virtual city hall” we should fulfill the following aims:

1.    In the IT-Infrastructure it should lead to the clear division 

       „IT-What?” to „IT-How?”

2.   The learning and control unit must be provided for strong feedback in the system.

3.   A citizen uses/surfs anonymously.

Further details in a mind map „Lernendes Rathaus 201?(adaptive city hall 201?)”    


In the second step/stage of an „adaptive virtual city hall” the following aims should be realized:

1.   On the computers, of interested in this program citizens, a special  

      computer  program will be installed and it would be working as a

      branch of the city hall.

2.   The citizen will not be anonymous any more and that's why he/she will be  

      able to   have access to additional opportunities to deal with official matters.

Further details in a mind map „Virtuelles Rathaus 201?(virtual city hall 201?)”    


The Project „Bürger-Navigator für Behördengänge in Hamburg”, can be found on the Internet: and it is the first attempt of  implementation of the  interface described above.

The main features/properties of this test are:

1.    It is a game/ quiz: „Guess what my problem is?” (elements of play)

2.    It is language-neutral (icons/pictograms)

3.    It is brain friendly (semantic structures are directly available)   



If this website receives friendly feedback, it will be possible to use those ideas in other aspects of life (and branches) in order to make the access to the solutions of really complex problems easier for ordinary people. What's more it can also be used to promote the Internet without boundaries.